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June 07, 2021

just an update in 2021

 hi all.

as you may know, the asasian is no longer only at 12th college but now around several colleges like 5th and 11th. 

many years have gone by and passed, I am not able to find any successor to this blog and that is why there are no updates since then.

firstly, I would like to thank you to visit this site and seek some forgiveness. 

blogger is no longer at its popular. there are lots of other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and now is the clubhouse.

which batch you are, as asasian, go around the world and bring some good news to us.

until we meet again, stay safe, and keep on surviving during these pandemics.

goodbye. I mean, see you guys next time.

sign out, 

faiz zeo.

December 15, 2012

asasian aktif!


alkisah asasian ...hehe..
minggu ni telah berlangsung minggu sukan...n kemuncak nyer pd hari ini...sukaneka, penyampaian hadiah , majlis penutup n aktiviti derma darah..

it's so interesting!
haha...looks like all asasians enjoyed the game n very active as it should be..
derma darah pon dpt sambutan jugak...memang terbaik..

result final sem 1??hmm....dgr cter kua next week...yeay!
x sabarnyaer nk ade jugak rse cuak...somehow...ignore rase cuak tu ..

as we all know...we have try our best in the pray for our success...
never think negative..okay asasians?=)

so...sedikit kata2 dari writer..
x salah untuk kita rasa cuak time amek untuk ape rase cuak tu?
nak atau xnak...kita tetap akn tahu result kita kan?kalau kita yakin dgn Pencipta, insyaALLAH...rase cuak tu x kan wujud sebab kita yakin dgn ketentuanNYA..

last but not least...keep praying asasians!!
love u all..'o'

November 04, 2012

a short holiday for us

assalamualaikum everyone.. happy holiday everyone! hehe...waaa...x sangka kan..tup tap tup tap..da abis 1 sem blaja..exam final ntok sem 1 pon da beres... so...wat do u all do during this holiday??ahax hopefully korang study la year...hehe... maybe do some revision...huhu and sama2 kita muhasabah diri.. think back what we did last sem.. n plan mathematically n biologically for the next sem...hehe hope we all succeed...insyaallah.. oh more thing.. don't forget about jogathon...rajin2 kan diri kutip derma yer..hehe.. last but not least...i love u all..ahax!>.<

August 15, 2012

nak balek rayer!!!

assalamualaikum...ari ni da 26 Ramadhan.. 4 days lagi nk raya.. somehow...cuti ntok asasian start hari jumaat... however....ade jer few students yg dah balek...excited sungguh..:) ngee~~ cuti raya seminggu..then the class will start as usual..fuhh... cepat je kan?hehe.. hopefully all asasian ready with all the labs yg da lame x dkunjungi..hehehe.. the meantime..i would like to wish...selamat hari raya to all asasians.. huhu:) raya tetap raya tp tutorial jgn lupa ! hahaha

July 16, 2012

towards mid sem test... dgn ini mengisytiharkan diri sendiri sbg writer pasum sesi 12/13.. semasa..mengira detik ntok exam mid sem..huhu...two more weeks towards excited ! hehehe.. alkisah pasumians for this session.. first time masuk mmang sendat audi...but after a nampak makin longgar.. meaning...a few students dah kluar...ade yg dpt mara , intec , n etc... ahah! agenda perdana pasum setakat ni ialah program RIFQOH...Ramadhan Is the Fragrance Quality Of Heart..wink3.... Theme : VARSITI RAMADHAN KESAYANGANKU.. under this programmes,akan ade byk aktiviti yg melibatkan all semua pasumian sporting n join this programme..ngee... ~~mood: exam..~~