November 28, 2009
November 15, 2009
Download software free sbg pelajar kat UM
email yg aku dpt pd 12nov2009 kat perdana mail.
korang semua, semak laa...
Universiti Malaya
ELMS for MSDNAA Software Center: This message has been generated
automatically from your ELMS. Please do not reply to this message
as you will not receive a response. Please click on the SUPPORT
link in your MSDNAA Online Software System for support contact
information on your campus.
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Welcome! You have been registered in your university/college ELMS
for MSDNAA online software system. Here you can download and
access a wide range of Microsoft developer tools, servers, and
platforms. There is no charge to download the software as long
as you are an eligible user in the System.
How Does it Work?
Your university/college is licensed under the MSDN Academic
Alliance Program which enables eligible students and faculty
members to access software available under the Program. e-academy
Inc., a partner of Microsoft, is providing ELMS for MSDNAA to you.
Simply log into the System using your username and password
included below and start browsing/ordering the software
available to you.
Your MSDNAA Online Software System can be found at:
Your username is :
Your password is : ________
Technical Support
If you have any technical difficulties while downloading the
software, please go to the support section in the website and
click on Request Customer Support. Technical support is
provided by your MSDNAA Program Administrator at your school.
General Information
If you have general questions about the MSDNAA Program, who
is eligible, general rules and regulations, etc., please go
to the support section in the website for contact information.
Please keep this e-mail for future reference, as you will
need your username and password in order access the online
software system.
Remember, by accessing the Microsoft software through this
system you are stating that you are authorized, and are
agreeing to comply with all usage guidelines.
e-academy Inc.
korang semua, semak laa...
Universiti Malaya
ELMS for MSDNAA Software Center: This message has been generated
automatically from your ELMS. Please do not reply to this message
as you will not receive a response. Please click on the SUPPORT
link in your MSDNAA Online Software System for support contact
information on your campus.
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Welcome! You have been registered in your university/college ELMS
for MSDNAA online software system. Here you can download and
access a wide range of Microsoft developer tools, servers, and
platforms. There is no charge to download the software as long
as you are an eligible user in the System.
How Does it Work?
Your university/college is licensed under the MSDN Academic
Alliance Program which enables eligible students and faculty
members to access software available under the Program. e-academy
Inc., a partner of Microsoft, is providing ELMS for MSDNAA to you.
Simply log into the System using your username and password
included below and start browsing/ordering the software
available to you.
Your MSDNAA Online Software System can be found at:
Your username is :
Your password is : ________
Technical Support
If you have any technical difficulties while downloading the
software, please go to the support section in the website and
click on Request Customer Support. Technical support is
provided by your MSDNAA Program Administrator at your school.
General Information
If you have general questions about the MSDNAA Program, who
is eligible, general rules and regulations, etc., please go
to the support section in the website for contact information.
Please keep this e-mail for future reference, as you will
need your username and password in order access the online
software system.
Remember, by accessing the Microsoft software through this
system you are stating that you are authorized, and are
agreeing to comply with all usage guidelines.
e-academy Inc.
October 30, 2009
eXXams oVer
after 2 very long tiring weeks of exams..its finally over..yeah!!!
akhirnye penat lelah kte study terok2 tuh..smpe ade xtido xmakan xmandi (ek??)
ramai tension time exam..malam exam tuh ade je la dengr owg jerit2..xkire ar pompuan ke laki ke same jew...yang mndengar ni pon jd tensiON!!
ade ke yg xtension??? no need to bluff ar..mest ade rase tension tuh..
dah ar susah exam tuh..tol x??huahua
cam for me chem 2 is the worst ar..korang lak cm ne??? dy ade level2 dy..worst worser n worsest...hehe(btol ke nahu bi ak tuh..huahua)
for abians..tau la abeh awal..
wah2..gile xpuas ati tol seems agak unfair la..eventhough ak tau u guys dah memang kne struggle awal2..with ur animation project tuh..n drawing2 tuh (almaklum tgn ak nih cam kero skit bab lukis2 nih ) still..korang balik awal!! argh..xaci..dah ar cuti 2 minggu jew..
cam jd sesi mluahkan prasaan lak..
exam pown dh abeh..dapat cuti gak drpd xcuti langsong(ni kes nak sejukkan ati..)..
n then the time will come for our results 2 kuar..sje nak ckp..result tuh rezki masing2..bak kate mr z(sape physical yg xknl nih xtau la..) 99% luck la..
kte gune otak pown nih xsmpe2 pon redha n be thankful for whatever u'll get nanti yek..
p/s: oh no!!!!ak xble nak upload image...tidak!!!!huhuhuh....
October 09, 2009
latihan kebakaran~~
pada 8/10 tepat kol 11.3o tetiba jek ak dgr bunyik loceng..pjg...aih!!de kls memalam ke??huahaha..dulu tymer skol ley la bunyik3 loceng niyh bro...ngaa~~
act semalam ada latihan kebakaran..ak yg ngh stdy kt cafe nih...tekejut n selambe..cheyt..mne x nyer,,tetiba bunyik loceng pjg n tetiba letrik xdeek..ternyerit bdk2 abeh...adeh...sbr je la en..sek bek ak dah abeh mkn tyme tuh...klo x x psal3 mati tecekik..ngaa~~
latihan kebakaran tue klo x clap ak diawasi oleh barisan pulapol..ngee~~palapes kah??hmm...
ak agak pening ngn tempat mnunggu dy act..ak igt kt dpn tasik kk12..tgk2 eyt mukan la....upanya kt gelanggang basket..padan r..klo dpn tasik mati tebakar r...n sendat sardin la...x muat pyer...
kire lam gelangang basket pun dah sendat..ngee~~
nie la pic yg
sempat ak amik....kebakaran telah belaku,,haha...just latihan memadam kebakaran ja...huahahha..lens je terok ja kebakaran tuh.....
nie plak gambar mangsa3 kebakaran ketipuan bilik dowg....ayat pening...pic nie tyme bekumpul hepi ja bilik dowg tebakar...ngee~~
klo pesanan iklas dri penaja ialah...berjaga2 la..jgn main api...klo mau segala harta benda anda selamat...
k take care all..hee~
hari kambeng sekolej
nyiahahaha..tgk tajuk pun dah xley agak...ngaa~tp sape yg dah biasa tekena ayt tue tau je la mksd dy en...
pada 7/10 satu kolej telah mngalami keputusan air....ngee~~
adeh..bekalan air teputus lain...
tau2 je la..ritu semua g kuliah ngn x mndi..hak3..ade gak yg nasib baik bgun kol 5 dpt la mndi..ngee~tp ada gak yg terskiP kls gara2 xde air...
tpt je pkol 11 pagi bekalan air seperti sedia kala...
tp yg ak tau la en...mmg byk la yg x g kls ri2..coz ak kuar bilik je plik ak tgk npe cam ari ahad jur...slalunya..wooo~~~
syi amat...bebudak pasum g kelas....kesunyian melanda dgn diriku yg kelas lambat..haha..
pepe hal pesanan iklas dari penaja ini..sediakan lah payung sebelum ujan..
mksd nya...malam b4 korg tido sedia la air sebaldi..tkot nti ade ari kambeng sekolej 2 plak...ngee~~
Program solat hajat secara berjemaah sebagai persiapan menghadapi peperiksaan akhir semester 1
Tempat: Dewan Gemilang, KK12
Tarikh: Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
Masa: 7.00 Malam
Solat Maghrib,Hajat & Isya' Berjemaah
Bacaan Yaasin
Ceramah "Hakikat Menuju Kecemerlangan"
Ustaz Hj Azizan Ahmad
Akademi Pengajian Islam
Anjuran JKP asasi KK12.
Program solat hajat secara berjemaah sebagai persiapan menghadapi peperiksaan akhir semester 1
Tempat: Dewan Gemilang, KK12
Tarikh: Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
Masa: 7.00 Malam
Solat Maghrib,Hajat & Isya' Berjemaah
Bacaan Yaasin
Ceramah "Hakikat Menuju Kecemerlangan"
Ustaz Hj Azizan Ahmad
Akademi Pengajian Islam
Anjuran JKP asasi KK12.
September 18, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya
Selamat Hari Raya utk semua..!
Maaf Zahir & Batin..!
Exam dah x lame dah...
raye, raya la juga, stdy jgn lupaa
September 06, 2009
get ready..!!!
nex 6 weeks more...
final exam for this sem..!
so, get ready..
our mid sem has past,
final exam for this sem..!
so, get ready..
our mid sem has past,
August 25, 2009
Salam Ramadhan buat semua..
puase bia penuh, solat terawikh bia khusyuk..
1st sept kite ade exam "mid sem"..
aku doakan semoga korang berjaya dgn mulianya..
sape2 yg plan nk meniru, baek jangan, sbb ni bulan baik lagi mulia..
baik korang guna strategi..
strategi mendapatkan jwapan..
korang boleh buat formasi dalam dewan peperiksaan nati..
so, semoga korang berjaya..
sesiape yg x balik raye, korang jgn sedih, sbb setiap ape yg berlaku ade hikmahnye..
puase bia penuh, solat terawikh bia khusyuk..
1st sept kite ade exam "mid sem"..
aku doakan semoga korang berjaya dgn mulianya..
sape2 yg plan nk meniru, baek jangan, sbb ni bulan baik lagi mulia..
baik korang guna strategi..
strategi mendapatkan jwapan..
korang boleh buat formasi dalam dewan peperiksaan nati..
so, semoga korang berjaya..
sesiape yg x balik raye, korang jgn sedih, sbb setiap ape yg berlaku ade hikmahnye..
August 17, 2009
August 16, 2009
ade kapel yg tertangkap basah..!!!
jumaat, malam, 15hb 08 2009, tandas puam kat dku
August 05, 2009
Mid Sem Exam
1st sept...
bulan puase lak tu..
bulan puase lak tu..
July 13, 2009
July 07, 2009
accident kat pasum
juz lori jer...
lari yg buat kerje2 ntah ape2 kat tepi court or kat depan AAJ..
betol2 berlaku dkat depan mata bdk2 f2..
gambr... ade org kate x yah masukan...
lari yg buat kerje2 ntah ape2 kat tepi court or kat depan AAJ..
betol2 berlaku dkat depan mata bdk2 f2..
gambr... ade org kate x yah masukan...
July 04, 2009
June 30, 2009
June 29, 2009
University Of Malaysia
University Malaya
wei, mane Mid?
aku rase. dekat je kan?
level h1n1 kat pj dah masuk lever 5..
so, hati2 la..
University Malaya
wei, mane Mid?
aku rase. dekat je kan?
level h1n1 kat pj dah masuk lever 5..
so, hati2 la..
June 27, 2009
June 26, 2009
June 24, 2009
June 17, 2009
Group F2
June 11, 2009
Tempat: Surau Kolej Kediaman Ke-12
Waktu: Selepas Insya' pada setiap hari Jumaat
jika ada perubahan, Senior Naqiu akan 'msg' korang.
Waktu: Selepas Insya' pada setiap hari Jumaat
jika ada perubahan, Senior Naqiu akan 'msg' korang.
PASUM sesi 2009/2010
kepada sesiape yg blajar kay PASUM khasnya utk sesi 2009/2010, jika ada photo or ape2 yg nak d letakan kat dlm blog ni, juz submit kat aku.
either ym or email..
welcome to all
all the bez
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